Why Buy From a Nerd?


I care about details that big box stores don't. Their goal is to sell as many items as possible, even if they have to compromise quality.
The biggest corner I see being cut? Using poorly made, barely readable letter styles. 
Take a look at this example:






















For most people, the second style is more readable.






Both styles have that natural hand-written look, but again, the second one is a little easier to decipher for most people. (The way the "a" is shaped, the size of the "w"... ok I'll stop there 😄) Better readability makes style #2 the better design choice.

As I like to say... 


So if trendy-but-hard-to-read stuff from the big-box store isn't for you, you're in the right place. 

Whether you’d prefer to purchase something ready-made or work with me to create your very own design, Signed Cricket is here for you.

Buy from a nerd 😉


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