Cut Christmas Card Overwhelm in 3 Steps
For the last 10 years, I've kept a long list of names and addresses to write to at Christmas.
And every year I've had to pare it down.
Why? Because staring at a cascading pile of cards quickly turns this tradition into a dreaded chore. And there's no better way to suck the joy out of something.
So let's make it simple this year.
Step one: Narrow down your list.
Step two: Decide on a mailing date.
If delivery by Christmas is important to you, leave yourself a little cushion by setting the target date early (beginning of December). That way the cards will still arrive on time even if you run a few days behind getting them sent out... and if they don't, no guilt there ️️️😊
Keep in mind the most important part of this tradition: your connection with each special person on the receiving end.
Step three: Choose your cards.